Log of PHITS news before Aug. 2016
2016/02/24: Registration of PHITS 2.82 in OECD/NEA Databank
2015/12/25: Release of update patch to PHITS2.82 (detail)
2015/10/16: Announcement of PHITS course in OECD/NEA, France (detail)
2015/07/23: Announcement of PHITS course in Malaysia (detail)
2015/04/03: Registration of PHITS 2.76 in OECD/NEA Databank (detail)
2015/03/27: Release of update patch to PHITS2.76 for Mac (detail)
2015/03/20: Release of update patch to PHITS2.76 for Windows (detail)
2014/12/04: Upload examples of user defined tally (detail)
2014/03/05: Registration of PHITS 2.64 in OECD/NEA Databank (detail)
2014/01/10: Revision of nuclear data library (detail)
2013/11/20: Release of update patch to PHITS2.64 (detail)
2013/10/28: Lecture note for making voxel phantom is updated (detail)
2013/10/28: Release of update patch to PHITS2.63 (detail)
2013/08/01: Official reference of PHITS was changed (detail)
2013/06/27: PHITS course in Paris was finished (detail)
2013/06/20: Registration of PHITS 2.52 in RSICC (detail)
2013/06/05: Upload lecture notes for PHITS course in Paris (detail)
2013/03/05: Registration of PHITS 2.52 in OECD/NEA Databank (detail)
2013/01/18: Announcement of PHITS course in Paris (detail)
2012/08/14: Update 'What is PHITS' and 'Sample' pages(detail)
2012/08/6: Update FAQ and upload PHITS introduction(detail)
2012/07/19: Bug in source(detail)
2012/06/20: Survey of PHITS tutorial in English(detail)
2012/06/13: Upload of lecture notes used in PHITS tutorial(detail)
2012/04/25: Announcement of PHITS tutorial in Sweden(detail)
2011/10/5: Release of Recommendation Settings(detail)
2011/9/6: Release of PHITS 2.30L(detail)
2011/2/3: Release of PHITS 2.24(detail)
2011/2/3: GUI-software SimpleGEO can be used for making PHITS geometries(detail)
2015/12/25: Release of update patch to PHITS2.82
Update patch from PHITS2.52 (or later) to 2.82 is released!
The procedure for the update has been announced via PHITS mailing list (see detail for registration).
The update patch works only for PHITS2.52 (or later), so if you do not
have recent version of PHITS, please obtain the code from OECD/NEA, RSICC,
or RIST. (see How to Get page in more detail)
The features of the new version of PHITS are written in update log. You can also find some important new features in this pdf file.
We think that PHITS2.82 is greatly improved from the previous versions,
and we appreciate your feedback very much.
2015/10/16: Announcement of PHITS course in OECD/NEA, France
We are pleased to announce that we will have a PHITS training course in OECD/NEA in France on 23-27 May, 2016. You can register the course via OECD/NEA training course page. You can find the couse information here. Please note that all attendees must be registered users.
The registration fee is 500 Euros, which includes the training course, luncheons, and coffee breaks. There is no deadline for the registration, but the course may be cancelled if minimum enrollment is not obtained one month prior to the course. Therefore, an early registration is very much appreciated.
If you have any question on this course, please email to PHITS office.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Paris!
2015/07/23: Announcement of PHITS course in Malaysia
We are pleased to announce that we will have a PHITS training course in
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, as a part of KEK-Sokendai-Malaysia Nuclear Agency PHITS and EGS5 Monte
Carlo code course. This course was originally designed only for Malaysians,
but as courtesies of the organizers, we can accept several participants
from other countries.
If you or your colleagues are interested in this course, please fill in
the registration form, and send to phits-tutorial@jaea.go.jp. The deadline
of the registration is Aug. 17th, but the number of the non-Malaysian participants
is limited to 5 persons, and we will accept participants as the order of
the arrival of the registration form.
We are very looking forward to seeing you in Malaysia!
**************** Course Information ****************************
Place: Malaysian Nuclear Agency, 43000 Kajang, Bangi
Date: 2015 Oct. 19-30
Deadline for registration: 2015 Aug. 17
Eligibility for participation: None (Open to everybody*)
Fee: Free (Lunch & refreshment/coffee break provided)
Lecturer: Dr. Hiroshi Iwase (KEK), Dr. Takuya Furuta (JAEA)
Organizer: Dr. Lojius B. Lombigit (Malaysian Nuclear Agency), Dr. Leo Kwee
Wah (Malaysian Nuclear Agency)
Tentative Schedule
19. Oct: Principles of Monte Carlo method
20. Oct: Introduction of EGS5 code
21. Oct: EGS5 Tutorials
22. Oct: Radiation detector calculation using EGS5
23. Oct: Shielding design using EGS5
26. Oct: Introduction of PHITS
27. Oct: PHITS Tutorials
28. Oct: Shielding exercise using PHITS
29. Oct: Calculation of induced radioactivity using PHITS
30. Oct: Calculation of effective dose using PHITS
*Note: the distribution of the PHITS code is controlled by Japanese law,
and we may not be able to accept the participation from
some non-OECD/NEA member countries.
**** Registration Form (send to phits-tutorial@jaea.go.jp) ********
Title: Dr. / Mr. / Ms.
Date of participation:
(if you won't attend the whole course, please specify the date)
PHITS registration status (please select):
1. obtained from OECD/NEA databank
2. obtained from RSICC
3. obtained from RIST or PHITS course in Japan
4. new user
PHITS version (if you selected 1-3 above, specify the version): 2.XX
(PHITS registered in OECD/NEA databank will be distributed during the
Purpose of use PHITS (please write as detail as possible):
e.g. Shielding design of J-PARC, which is a high-energy accelerator
constructed in Japan
2015/04/03: Registration of PHITS2.76 in OCED/NEA databank
A new version of PHITS, version 2.76, has been registered
in OECD/NEA databank. (PHITS page in the databank)
The version registered in RSICC is still the old version (PHITS2.64),
but hopefully, it will be updated soon.
2015/03/27: Release of update patch to PHITS2.76 for Mac
Update patch from PHITS2.52 (or later) to 2.76 for Mac is released!
The procedure for the update has been announced via PHITS mailing list (see detail for registration).
The update patch works only for PHITS2.52 (or later), so if you do not
recent version of PHITS, please obtain the code from OECD/NEA, RSICC, or
(see How to Get page in more detail)
For Linux users, please download the update patch for either Windows or
and re-compile PHITS by yourself.
The features of the new version of PHITS are written in update log.
We think that PHITS2.76 is greatly improved from the previous versions,
and we appreciate your feedback very much.
2015/03/20: Release of update patch to PHITS2.76 for Windows
Update patch from PHITS2.52 (or later) to 2.76 is released!
The procedure for the update has been announced via PHITS mailing list (see detail for registration).
The update patch works only for PHITS2.52 (or later), so if you do not
recent version of PHITS, please obtain the code from OECD/NEA, RSICC, or
(see How to Get page in more detail)
The features of the new version of PHITS are written in update log.
We think that PHITS2.76 is greatly improved from the previous versions,
and we appreciate your feedback very much.
The update patch for Mac will be released within a week or so.
2014/12/04: Upload of examples of user defined tally
[t-userdefined] is very useful when you would like to deduce physical quantities
that cannot be directly calculated by the implemented tallies of PHITS.
It also enables users to output the particle transport information in the
of other codes such as ROOT.
In order to use "usrtally.f", users must revise it and re-compile
PHITS by themselves,
but it is very difficult to revise the program without the detailed knowledge
of the PHITS source code. Thus, we provide examples of "usrtally.f"
that work similar to [t-deposit], [t-cross] or [t-product].
You can download the examples from the link below, or from Sample page.
usrtally.zip (Please see "readme-en.docx" in the zip file for the intruction)
2014/03/05: Registration of PHITS2.64 in OCED/NEA databank
A new version of PHITS, version 2.64, has been registered
in OECD/NEA databank. (PHITS page in the databank)
2014/01/10: Revision of nuclear data library
This revision is necessary only for users who want to calculate the
neutron dose using [t-heat] tally, i.e. Kerma approximation.
We found a bug in the nuclear data library attached to PHITS 2.52 (or later).
This bug is related to the neutron Kerma factors for 130 nucludes listed
As075 Ba130 Ba132 Ba134 Ba135 Ba136 Ba137 Ba140 Br079 Br081 Cd106 Cd108 Cd110 Cd111 Cd112 Cd113 Cd114 Cd116 Ce141 Ce142 Ce143 Ce144 Cf250 Fe059 Ga069 Ga071 Hf174 Hf176 Hf177 Hf178 Hf179 Hf180 Hf181 Hf182 I_127 I_129 I_130 I_131 I_135 In113 In115 Kr078 Kr080 Kr082 Kr083 Kr084 Kr085 La138 La139 La140 Mo092 Mo094 Mo095 Mo096 Mo097 Mo098 Mo099 Mo100 Nb094 Nb095 Ni059 Pr141 Pr143 Rb085 Rb086 Rb087 Rh103 Rh105 Ru096 Ru098 Ru099 Ru100 Ru101 Ru102 Ru103 Ru104 Ru105 Ru106 Sb121 Sb123 Sb124 Sb125 Sb126 Se074 Se076 Se077 Se078 Se079 Se080 Se082 Sr084 Sr086 Sr087 Sr088 Sr089 Sr090 Tc099 Te120 Te122 Te123 Te124 Te125 Te126 Te127m Te128 Te129m Te130 Te132 Xe124 Xe126 Xe128 Xe129 Xe130 Xe131 Xe132 Xe133 Xe134 Xe135 Y_089 Y_090 Y_091 Yb168 Yb170 Yb171 Yb172 Yb173 Yb174 Yb176 Zr093 Zr095
If you would like to calculate the neutron doses using [t-heat] tally,
please download the revised nuclear data.
The procedure for the download has been announced via PHITS mailing list
(see detail for registration).
2013/11/20: Release of PHITS2.64
We found a critical bug in the connecting calculation between PHITS and。。DCHAIN-SP.
Thus, we released a new patch file for updating PHITS2.52 (or later) to
This patch file works irrespective of whether you have already updated
to PHITS2.63 or not.
Several minor bugs were also fixed in PHITS2.64, so please update PHITS
even if you do not use DCHAIN-SP.
You can update PHITS from v.2.52 to v.2.64 using an update patch file
downloadable from PHITS website. The procedure for the update
has been announced via PHITS mailing list (see detail for registration).
The update patch works only for PHITS2.52 (or later), so if you do not
PHITS 2.52 yet, please obtain the code from OECD/NEA, RSICC, or RIST.
(see How to Get page in more detail)
The manual and recommendation settings in How to Use page are also updated.
2013/10/28: Lecture note for making voxel phantom is updated
Voxel phantoms based on CT image data are widely for medical purposes.
However, it is difficult to make a PHITS input file for voxel phantom from
CT data written in DICOM format.
We thus constructed a conversion program from DICOM format to PHITS input,
named DICOM2PHITS. You can download the program together with the
updated lecture note for making voxel phantom from How to Use page,
or directly from here (20.1MB zip file).

Example of voxel phantom generated by DICOM2PHITS.
2013/10/28: Release of PHITS2.63
PHITS version 2.63 is released!
The main update features from previous version (v.2.52) are:
- Implementation of ENSDF-Based Isomeric Transition and isomEr production
- Improvement of photo-nuclear reaction model up to 140 MeV
- Introduction of new energy mesh functions in [source] section
- Revision of nuclear data for some nuclei
- Several minor changes and bug fixes
You can update PHITS from v.2.52 to v.2.63 using an update patch file
downloadable from PHITS website. The procedure for the update
has been announced via PHITS mailing list (see detail for registration).
The update patch works only for PHITS2.52, so if you do not have
PHITS 2.52 yet, please obtain the code from OECD/NEA, RSICC, or RIST.
(see How to Get page in more detail)
The manual and recommendation settings in How to Use page are also updated.
We think that PHITS2.63 is greatly improved from PHITS2.52,
and we appreciate your feedback very much.
2013/08/01: Official reference of PHITS was changed
Paper for describing about the features of PHITS2.52
was published in Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology.
It is an open access article, and you can download it from here.
Please refer this article in context of using any version of PHITS.
2013/06/27: PHITS course in Paris was finished

The 1st PHITS course in OECD/NEA Paris was just finished.
Thank you very much for attending the course!
We will have the 2nd one in 1 or 2 years later.
2013/06/20: Registration of PHITS2.52 in RSICC
A new version of PHITS, version 2.52, has been registered
in RSICC. (PHITS page in the RSICC)
The new version is greatly improved in terms of many aspects,
including its package contents such as nuclear data libraries.
Please see update log in more detail.
We cannot send the patch file to upgrade PHITS2.24 (or 2.30)
to PHITS2.52 because the upgrade contents are so numerous.
So, please ask RSICC for the update of the code.
2013/06/05: Upload of lecture notes for PHITS course in Paris
We upload the lecture notes used in the PHITS course.
You can download the lecture notes for 3 basic courses, 3 advanced courses,
and 1 exercise course. These packages including sample input files are also uploaded.
Please download in this page.
These files are very useful for starting up with PHITS!
2013/03/05: Registration of PHITS2.52 in OCED/NEA databank
A new version of PHITS, version 2.52, has been registered
in OECD/NEA databank. (PHITS page in the databank)
The version registered in RSICC is still the old version (PHITS2.24),
but hopefully, it will be updated soon.
The new version is greatly improved in terms of many aspects,
including its package contents such as nuclear data libraries.
Please see update log in more detail.
We cannot send the patch file to upgrade PHITS2.24 (or 2.30)
to PHITS2.52 because the upgrade contents are so numerous.
So, please ask OECD/NEA databank for the update of the code.
2013/01/18: Announcement of PHITS course in Paris
We are glad to announce that 4-days PHITS course will be held on
Jun 10 (Mon) - 13 (Thu), 2013 at NEA Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris, France.
This event is organized with the support OECD NEA.
The course fee is 500 euro. It includes the cost of official dinner.
The course consists of
1. General introduction of PHITS
2. Installation of the latest version of PHITS in your laptop PC (Windows
or Mac)
3. Basic lecture (how to setup geometry, source, tally and parameters)
4. Advanced lecture (useful functions, variance reduction, voxel phantom)
5. Excises
The tutors will be Tatsuhiko Sato of JAEA, Lember Sihver of Chalmers
University of Technology, and more (depends on the number of participants)
You can register this PHITS course from OECD/NEA training courses page.
No particular experience with PHITS or other Monte Carlo codes is required,
but you have to become a registered PHITS user in prior to the course.
(see How to Get in detail)
More information will be uploaded in future.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Paris!
2012/08/14: Update 'What is PHITS' and 'Sample' pages
'What is PHITS' and 'Sample' pages are updated.
In the 'Sample' page, we uploaded the instructions for how to use
utilities for creating GIF animation from PHITS output files
Example of GIF animation created by utilities given in 'Sample' page
2012/08/6: Update FAQ and upload PHITS introduction
We updated FAQ and uploaded PHITS introduction file
phits-introduction-en.pdf (6.6MB)
2012/07/19: Bug in source
We found a bug in the generation of isotropic source for
event-by-event calculation (s-type = 9(or 10), dir = iso)
If you would like to use this source, please send us an e-mail, phits-office
We will send corrected source file to you.
We also found a bug in electron and positron
transport algorithm over 10 MeV, when you set their
cut-off energies below 1 MeV. Therefore, please
set emin(12) and emin(13) > 1 MeV, if you would like
to transport high-energy electrons and positrons in PHITS.
We will fix this bug in the next version.
2012/06/13: Upload of lecture notes used in PHITS tutorial
We upload the lecture notes used in PHITS tutorial.
You can download the lecture notes for 3 basic courses including their
sample input files
phits-lecture-en.zip (5.4MB)
You can also download the ppt files for each basic courses as well as
those for advanced courses for making voxel phantom in the manual page.
These files are very useful for starting up with PHITS!
2012/04/25: Announcement of PHITS tutorial in Sweden
We are glad to announce that one-day PHITS tutorial will be held on
June 9th (Sat) as a part of Microdosimetry course organized by
Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. The PHITS tutorial is
opened for every PHITS user, regardless the registration of
microdosimetry course. It covers the general introduction of the
PHITS code, installation of the latest version of PHITS in your laptop
computer, and instruction how to use it. The tutor is Tatsuhiko Sato
of JAEA.
Recently, we developed a Windows and Mac installer of PHITS. So if
you feel difficulty how to install or how to use PHITS, this must be
the best chance to start up with PHITS!
If you are interested in this tutorial, please email us "phits-office
2011/10/5: Release of Recommendation Settings
It is difficult to select appropriate parameters in the PHITS input file,
since the default settings does not always give the best results for some
cases (see FAQ in more details).
For easier start up of PHITS, we provide 7 examples of PHITS input and
output files.
Please download the following zip file, and find the appropriate setting
suit for your calculation.
The return codes in those files are "CR+LF",
so please convert them to "LF" when you use those files in Linux
2011/9/6: Release of PHITS 2.30L
We are glad to announce that
a new version of PHITS, version 2.30, has just been released.
The updates mainly concern the following:
1. Improvement of the DPA calculations including the Coulomb scattering.
2. Incorporation of the function to generate delta-rays
3. Release of the photon-atomic data library
4. Revision of the manual
We will soon send the patch files for updating the previous released version, 2.24,
to the latest one for both sources and Windows binary via PHITS mailing lists.
If you have not registered the mailing lists, and would like to update PHITS,
please read the instruction below, and email to us with your information.
2011/2/3: Release of PHITS 2.24
A new version of PHITS (2.24L) including the JENDL-4 neutron data library
has been registered in OECD/NEA data bank.
OECD/NEA Data Bank page
Please obtain the new version of PHITS from the data bank, even if you have already registered as a PHITS beta-user. Many new features such as the event generator mode and the microdosimetric
function were incorporated in the new version. Several bugs were fixed.
2011/2/3: GUI-software SimpleGEO can be used for making PHITS geometries
SimpleGEO is an interactive solid modeler which allows for flexible and easy creation of the models via drag & drap, as well as on-the-fly inspection. The software was developed in CERN, and can be downloaded from its web site (Registration is requested). Courtesy of its developer, Dr. Thesis, it
was recently upgraded to be capable of generating geometries written in
PHITS readable format: GG geometry using macro bodies. It can also visualize
the results of xyz-mesh tallies (The extension of the tally output file
should be *.out).
If you are not familiar with GG or CG format, SimpleGEO helps you a lot
in making PHITS geometries.

Examples of geometries drawn by SimpleGEO together with xyz-mesh tally
outputs by PHITS